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3 Ways to Have a Healthy Memory


 The human brain is the most important part of the body because it collects information for us to act on it. As I go along reading science books, I found out that 80% of our brain is made of water. The color of our brain is pinkish-beige but once we died it will turn to grey. The time we reached adulthood our brain developed million neutral pathways to process the information quickly. I came up to this article because there is someone I know that has an Alzheimers and there is a point she can’t remember anything. She can’t remember the things that she have done and she don’t even know the people around her. Even if you don’t want to feel pity on her, there will come a time that you will feel it.

According to Stanford University’s Memory Laboratory, “A certain degree of forgetting is completely normal.” One of the main reasons why we forget things is due to the trouble with regaining items in our memory. It is ordinary to forget things but forgetting details that you have to remember is not usual. It is not normal for someone to forget even her name. Aside from exercise and eating healthy food, below are three other ways to have a healthy memory:

1. Sleep on time – Based on my experience, having a lack of sleep hinders us to think well. There are times that you will notice that you are having a hard time to do things because your brain cannot process well. If you don’t have important things to do in the middle of the night, better to sleep early. But if you are someone who can’t easily sleep at night, consult your doctor to help you in your problem in sleeping. 

3. Read books – For me reading books is the best way to improve our memory. It is one way to exercise our brain because through reading our brain thinks and gives us a chance to imagine things aside from gaining knowledge from it. You have to remember that wisdom is one of your treasures that no one can steal from you.

3. Be happy – Stay away from stress and pain, both physically and mentally. Stress and pain are not healthy for you. Problem is already part of life so you just have to learn how to deal with it. Do not dwell on your problem rather pray and solve it. Enjoy your life with your family and friends, and see to it that you are having a quality time with them. Daniel Goleman, a psychologist, states in his Emotional Intelligence book that “laughter… seems to help people think more broadly and associate more freely.”

One thought on “3 Ways to Have a Healthy Memory

  1. The brain is the most important of the body and collect all data of the body and forced to act on it. According to scientific research, 70 to 80% of our brain is made of water. If he does not do proper work then any human totally disabled. Now i am starting to read your posts.

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