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Bar, Wines & Spirits

They say that wine is good for the health. It could preserve memory. It can decrease cancer risks. Good for the skin. And a whole lot of more surprising benefits to a moderate drinker. But I am writing not about the health gains or to lecture you about the types of wines, because to be honest, I needed to consult my phone’s dictionary to spell “connoisseur” in the right way; much more to give an impression that I am a “wine connoisseur” is a disgrace to anyone who holds that term. I am just a simple individual who happens to like and drink wine- white and red- and appreciate every sip the glass has to offer. To me, these wines tell a story…

Sometimes, life is a breeze. Things are going on smoothly. Work. Family. Love life. They are all in a good balance. Weird? Well, sometimes life is weird. And for me, moments like these are like MERLOT. Easy. Just chillin’ and everything’s on its right flow.

And there are times life is like SAUVIGNON BLANC. Dry. The pressure from work eats you up. The annoying co-worker just doesn’t shut up and continues to test your patience. And your car? Ugh! The budget’s tight. Tsk, tsk…

And then, by some miracle or faith, life is like CHARDONNAY. Sparkling. Everything is like what’s in your dream- the guy who you really want is slowly unbecoming diffident, the stresses of work deadlines doesn’t make you cram anymore because, hey, you learned how to prioritize the tasks, and that vacation you and your girlfriends planned a month ago? In a week’s time, you will be strutting down in that black bikini, working on that gorgeous tan you’ve always daydreamed about.

Lastly, life has been always a DESSERT WINE. Sweet. All things about life are meant to be enjoyed in every possible way. A surprised promotion, the patch up of differences in the family, a new vacation on the calendar… Bitterness and failure may hinder us once in a while, but the grasp of positivity will always keep us back on the right track. It is said that the wine should be sweeter than the food it is served with… and I say that whatever comes our way- good or bad, overflowing or flawed- all these life experiences should make life like a bottle of wine- getting better as the years goes by.

One thought on “Bar, Wines & Spirits

  1. I just drink this beer for removing tension. Whenever i feel stress and fully tired from our office work then i drink this. After the drink, i feel fully fresh and active. Another big benefit of Beer hydrates your body slightly better than water.
    bourbon decanter

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