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Baked Lasagna Best Pasta in Catering Services

pasta lasagna

One of the best pasta in Catering Services menu is Baked Lasagna. Its creamy tasty and nutritious. Europeans, Americans and even some Asians prefer to have pasta for lunch/dinner as well as during special occasions. The traditional lasagna ingredients are layered pasta that resembled with hamburger or sausage together with tomato sauce. Because of creativity, the traditional lasagna has two other versions, the seafood lasagna and the vegetarian lasagna.

Today, lasagna can be in a white sauce or a red sauce. Lasagna is a food that also recommended for a healthy diet because it is a good source of complex carbohydrate. The complex carbohydrate gives the body energy. There are so many theories about lasagna. According to some studies, it was originated from the Ancient Greece. The word lasagna comes from the Greek word “lasanon” which means “chamber pot” but others claimed that it was the Ancient Rome.

Last 2007, The Daily Telegraph in London published a write up about the origin of lasagna. The article stated that lasagna was first prepared by chefs of King Richard II. There is also a theory that lasagna was started in 14th century in the English recipe “loseyn” that introduced a recipe of layering pasta.

People who are health conscious used red sauce instead white sauce for lasagna. The red sauce is rich in lycopene and vitamin C unlike the white sauce; it contains a lot of fat. Years passed, the lasagna also become popular in Africa. Here in our country, many restaurants and fast food offer lasagna.

In catering services, lasagna is always a special request. Lasagna is always included in the list of menu. In every occasion here in the Philippines, pasta is a substitute for rice. Other Filipinos like me prefer to eat pasta instead of rice. Lasagna is a very popular pasta dish not only in Europe and America but also in Asia.

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