Balut is one of the exotic delicacies of the Philippines and it is also considered as a famous street food. In the Philippines Balut is everywhere. Balut vendors pass every corner of the street to sell Balut.
Balut is an incubated fertilized egg of a duck or chicken. It is boiled when the embryo of the egg reached 16 to 18 days old. Beyond 18 days the chick of the egg will become too large for leisurely consumption.
According to some studies balut is known as an aphrodisiac and hearty snack. Balut is known to be found in Pateros, a small municipality of Metro Manila. Balut making in Pateros is considered as the major tourist attraction in Pateros. Twenty three percent of the whole Pateros is industries are balut makers especially in Barangay Aguho.
The best balut is called as “balut sa puti” as far as I know it has a small chick not like the regular balut. Some people who love to drink beer always choose balut as a pair for it. But for others, eating balut is such a challenge especially for those tourists who came here in the Philippines.
I think for other foreign people eating Balut is such a nightmare, that’s why I admire those foreigners who can afford to eat this food. For me trying different things is exciting and eating exotic food is cool.
Personally, I enjoyed eating balut especially if there is a vinegar and salt. To those who still don’t know the taste of balut, I encourage you to try it. Remember, there is no harm on trying.