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Banana Split A Perfect Choice for Catering Services Dessert


One of the most famous food desserts in Catering Services today is Banana Split. Many people craving for this food even in a cold weather. The person who created the banana split is the 23-year-old druggist apprentice David Strickler. It was believed that he split the banana from stem to stern, he laid it on a dish and he put three scoops of ice cream, and it happens during the summer season of 1904. Until now there is no proper way of serving a banana split.

The traditional banana split is composed of single banana that was cut lengthwise and was placed on opposing sides of the plate. The three scoops of ice cream (it can be a chocolate, strawberry or vanilla flavor) were place between the banana slices.

There is another version of banana split, and it was called as “Boston Banana Split”. Instead of three scoops of ice cream the Boston banana split has only two scoops of vanilla ice cream. Cherries were placed on top and crushed wall nuts were also spread on the top of ice cream. Years passed, other learned to put chocolate syrup or strawberry syrup on the top of vanilla ice cream.

Since June 1997, people in states celebrate the Banana Split festival, and last 2004 they celebrated the Banana Split Bash and the celebration was held in a park. Like other food, the history of Banana Split is confusing.But The Soda Fountain Magazine wrote an article declaring that the banana split was first made in the ice cream convention in Boston.

Banana Split is a perfect dessert to prepare for Catering Services. It is one of the perfect choices for desserts in every occasion.

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