Menu planning and proposing foods for customers who would want you to cater a large quantity of guests and clients is hard especially when you want it to be healthy and have cuisines will less allergic causing ingredients. So this will tackles some allergic causing ingredients and food that we must avoid to use or propose to our guest clients to maintain the quality of products and services provided by catering business.
Hundreds of ingredients were identified to be the cause of allergy reaction to people such as cereal and grains which is common among toddlers and children due to the gluten hypersensitivity. Furthermore, milk can also harm them since it is common to them and there is lot of symptoms will be seen when a childβs body react to the allergens. So if ever you are to cater a childrenβs party, then avoid cuisines with these kinds of ingredients.
Next is the legumes (including peanuts) such as peas and beans which could cause a fatal reaction to a person. It has multiple allergens that even consuming small quantity such as left over in utensils and crockeries will lead to severe reactions, so good sanitation must be observed. Nuts and seeds which also affect the bodyβs reaction such as hazelnuts that is not a common ingredient in Filipino cuisines is avoided.
Most common allergy causing food are the seafood specifically shellfish which is known as crustaceans. These also include shrimp and lobsters, while mollusk is oysters and snails. Fish is also a delicate food to offer and like the crustaceans and mollusk, the allergen pathogens are usually found in their protein flesh.
Doneness of these foods cannot affect or the heat will not eliminate all pathogens that have reaction to people. So histamines must be prepared prior to the event to be medically ready for allergic reactions to the guests.
The mildest allergen reaction case is relative to fruits and vegetables due to the sugar content of these ingredients. Though, they still have allergic pathogens, the sugars became natural anti-histamine component and lessen the risk for the consumers to have an allergic reaction.
Furthermore, the process of cooking also kills the pollen allergens so it becomes safe for eating. Minimal reaction claims to be itchiness of the mouth or hand, swelling of skin, redness and reaction inside the mouth. So all we have to do is to avoid large content of these ingredients to our cuisine, or we could make alterations with the ingredients, and still prepare a first aid kit and medicines for emergency purposes.