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Fast Food vs Home Cook Food: Advantage of Food Nutrients Provided by Restaurant

Pescado en salsa Verde

Most of food-related diseases are caused by the kind of food people are accustomed to eat. Since we are living in the digital age and that both parents need to work, there are instances that young people would acquire food from restaurant that has fast food preparation. However, it is neglected on the issue about the nutrients needed to be consumed.

            The restuarant industry try its best to provide food and proper nutrients of their customers. Food businesses such as Executive Gourmet intend to assure their customers that they will have the best kind of food, and at the same time, gaine sufficeint nutrients needed at a right cost. When young people gained food that is high in cholesterole and have lower food sanitation, there are chances that malnutrition will happen.

            Since fast food has high saturated fats and sodium chloride to advance its taste, food prepared by such will increase the likelihood of market to buy their product/s. Aside from this is the time of preparation and convenience of eating it. Comparing such service to semi-fine dining restaurants, the food is prepared as soon as the customers ordered it. So it means that the disadvantage on this is the time of preparation and the cost of food compared to fast-prepared food products. Nevertheless, even it has its own advantage, the food prepared has sufficient  nutrients by having complete ingredients, along with, vegetable, herbs and spices that is known to be good for the body.

            If we can see the everyday meal posted in the Executive Gourmet website (Canteen Daily Menu), it has complete package for appetizer, main course and desserts with variety of choices and prepared with effort by fine chefs and cooks working for us. It can be seen from the platform that foods menu packages differ  everyday. This is to give the consumers opportunity to have a taste of many kind of dishes that will not be satiated with it and with complete ingredients that would be helpful to them

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