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Foods that can Help you Quit Smoking

People are exposed to vices such as smoking and this can affect their whole being. It took several months for them to quit smoking. However, there are foods that can help people to stop smoking and rehabilitate their body from exposure to smoking. So tell us, how do you do it?

Basically, smokers must have the general idea of the effects of smoking towards active smokers and passive smokers. They usually thought they only harm themselves but what they are not conscious of is the effects of their vices towards another. As an effect, then health of everyone is at risk. These are best reasons to stop smoking. If you have the determination and will then all we have to do right now is to rehabilitate the body through foods.

People usually smoke after meals, and to discipline themselves then after every meal they should find other food that may psychologically affect them to quit. First is fruits and vegetables, the more you consumed these foods then it can make them lose interest in smoking for it increases their satiety.

Smokers are confused by their cravings for smoke to their cravings for food. Addition to this, eating fruits, vegetable and even diary products make smoking taste awful so if you are craving for smoke, eat some cheese, milk, chocolate drinks, fruits and vegetable and avoid eating meat and consuming alcohol (because alcohol makes cigarette tastes good).

Omega 3 foods such as fish can help to detoxify the body from the toxins and nicotine brought by the cigarette. It reduces the stiffness and thrombus of arteries and can reduce the acute vascular damage. Furthermore, fish is the great sources of omega-3 fatty acid.

So it was so easy to quit smoking, it just everyone’s responsibilities and obligations to know how and why smoking is the cause of preventable death and should start quitting through eating good and favorable foods. Because no one has the power to one’s self and would only win this fight if they themselves try to start the battle against it.

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