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Home Remedy for Common Health Problems

This article will give some home remedy using different fruits and foods you can simply find on your kitchen. Why spend more if you can apply home remedy to the following problems.


  1. The mixture of lukewarm water with rock salt is one of the best remedy and first aid for toothache. This can actually relax your gum just rinse your mouth then spit it. Rinse full glass of this mixture to help reduce pain and swelling.
  2. Garlic when gently rub to the affected area will help stop the pain. Simply take a portion of the garlic and use it right beside the teeth.
  3. Whiskey or brandy is also a good remedy for toothache. Dip a cotton ball to the whiskey or brandy then put it beside the painful tooth then let it sit. You will feel that the tooth is less painful.



  1. Boil ampalaya leaves then drink a quarter of it. You will feel a sudden urge to vomit. You will vomit the ampalaya juice with your phlegm in it.
  2. Drink a mixture of lukewarm water with vinegar. The vinegar can kill the bacteria on your throat. This can help lessen the itchiness on your throat.
  3. Drink a mixture of calamansi juice and honey to reduce the itchiness of the throat. Honey is a natural anti-bacterial that can help stop coughing.

Acne Problems

  1. Make a paste by mixing honey and cereals. Put the paste on your face then rinse with water the morning after. Do this for two weeks to peel off dry skin.
  2. Applying yogurt on you face is a good way to soothe and heal swelling pimples easily. Simply open your pores by exposing your face on a hot steam then put the yogurt then rinse with cold water after 20 minutes.
  3. Mix one egg and calamansi juice. Apply this on your face then rinse with lukewarm water after 30 minutes. Rinse again with cold water to close the pores.

Hair Care and Treatment

  1. Egg treatment is good for all types of hair. Use the whole egg with natural hair, egg white with oily hair and egg yolks to dry hair. Egg can moisturize hair by putting enough amount of egg to cover the hair and scalp. Rinse with cold water after 30 minutes then apply shampoo. Do this once a month.
  2. Apply yogurt to dull hair to make you hair shiny. The yogurt can moisturize the hair, simply apply to hair then rinse with lukewarm water then with cold water. Shampoo the hair after.
  3. To strengthen the hair and avoid falling hair, the mixture of ½ cup beer, egg and 1 tsp of oil can do magic. Simply apply the mixture into your hair then let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

Hand Care

  1. The pineapple fruit when rub on both hands will make your hand smooth. The citrus acid on the fruit causes this effect.
  2. The mixture of papaya leaves and hand soap can also help you in maintaining the smoothness of your hands. It can also lessen the dryness of your hand.

Make a paste by mixing tomato juice, calamansi juice and oatmeal. Apply this to your hands for 15 minutes and rinse with soap and warm water

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