How to be Healthy and Fit

healthy and fit

World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmities. Fitness means the ability of a person to do physical exertion. A person is considered healthy and fit if he has a strong body, effective mind and well-established social principle. Being physically sick affects your daily work and tasks, so you cannot perform well because of your deficient body.

To be healthy and fit, practice to eat your breakfast daily. It is the first step to start your day right because you will have a source of strength and energy. Always eat healthy food such as vegetables, fresh fruits and fish. Aside from proper eating, you also need to practice drinking a lot of water. It helps you to purify your body by taking out all the toxins.

In addition exercise daily and see to eat that you have at least 8 hours sleep. Having a healthy and fit body will help you to become more productive in your work place. In reality companies do not want to hire unhealthy people, because their target deadlines will be affected. How can a person do legwork if he is not physically fit, if he cannot do small things because of his health, and if he cannot meet deadlines because of unhealthy body?

Aside from being physically fit, it is also important to have a healthy mind and emotion. Suffering from any mental or emotional ailments like depression and stress is unhealthy. You will not enjoy life if you are bombarded with so many things. Relax and do things one at a time. Don’t pressure yourself and don’t let depression eat your system and be a reason not to accomplish things.

Try to develop positive mind and it will help you to become mentally healthy. Being emotionally and mentally sick will not help you to become effective. Learn to deal with problems in every aspect of your life and don’t hide your feelings because unexpressed feelings lead to depression. It is healthy to mingle with other people and explore things while you are young.

Being healthy physically, mentally and emotionally will help you to grow and become matured in everything. Having a healthy life will lead you to success. Proven and tested that many people achieve their goals not only because of their perseverance and dedication but also having a healthy life.

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