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How to Make a French Toast

fresch toast

French toast can also be called as American toast, Spanish toast or German toast. In France it is known as “pain purdue” which means β€œa lost bread”. It is a popular breakfast offerings because it is very easy to prepare. Basically, French toast is topped with powdered sugar and syrup. But people nowadays keep looking for something new that’s why we created a new version of it. Below are the ingredients and procedures in making a French toast.


1. Butter (for frying)
2. Big Condensed milk
3. 2 Eggs
4. Loaf Bread (it can be trimmed or not)
5. Ham
6. Grated Cheese


Step 1.
1. Cook the ham and set aside.
2. Beat the eggs together with milk. If you want something that is somehow sweet, put a little bit of sugar.
3. Slice the loaf diagonally

Step 2.
1. Soak the loaf in the egg that has milk. After that, remove it carefully.
2. Fry it in a frying pan that has butter. See to it that you check it frequently, so you will be sure that it will not be burned.

Step: 3
1. Once you’re done frying all your loaves, put the cooked ham on the top of the bread and sprinkle the grated cheese. Cover it with loaf.
2. Arrange it to a plate and share it with your family and friends.

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