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How to prevent Pneumonia


Pneumonia is defined as a lung infection where the air sacks of the lungs are filled with fluid and this is the reason why someone with this disease is having difficulty in breathing. Most of the time a person gets pneumonia when he breathes germs into his lungs or he interacts with someone who has this illness. Pneumonia is an illness that is really life threatening.

Some symptoms of pneumonia are fever, having phlegm, chills, fast heartbeat, and being weak physically. The person experiences those symptoms because of viruses and bacteria on his body. Aside from vaccine, below are three ways on how to prevent pneumonia.

1. Good hygiene – One of the best things you can do to avoid pneumonia and other illnesses is to practice having a good hygiene. Always wash your hands and avoid exposing yourself to a dirty and polluted place. It is advisable to always put alcohol or sanitizer on your hands because it can protect you from bacteria and germs that you might get from other people and some places you have been.

2. Be Fit – Eat healthy food and take vitamins for you to have a healthy body. It is also a good thing if you will sleep on time and have a daily exercise. Find time to take a rest and do not stress yourself about the things that you think are not worth stressing over.

3. Don’t Smoke – Smoking is one of the major reasons why other people are prone to having pneumonia. Once you smoke your lungs will be damaged. The moment your lungs has been damaged it will no longer have the capacity to filter out all the germs and bacteria. Smoking can really harm your health so better stop it right away and also other vices.

Sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves because of some circumstances. Others are too busy with their jobs and think that doing vices can take away their stress. We have to remember that we need to discipline ourselves to avoid illnesses. Life is too short so you better take care of it. I always do believe that we can still enjoy life even if we don’t do vices. There are so many ways for us to enjoy ourselves and make the most of our life.

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