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Liqueurs and Liquors in Corporate Cocktail Party

Liqueurs and Liquors

Liqueur is a kind of alcoholic beverages that has been flavored. It can be flavored by fruits, flowers, herbs, nuts and sometimes even cream. Do not be confused between liquor and liqueur because liquor is a strong alcoholic drink that has been distilled in order to increase the amount of alcohol. Based on studies, liqueur is a historical descendant of herbal medicines. It has lower alcohol content than other alcoholic beverages. Because of its right amount of alcohol content, it is used as a filling for chocolate and other jams to preserve the products longer.

In corporate events, liqueur is usually included as part of beverages and served after desserts. It is mixed with ice and considered as ladies drink while others considered liqueur as an important ingredient in cocktails. European Union spirit regulations states that, “All an alcoholic drink made for human consumption needs in order to call itself a liqueur” because in the world of spirits, liqueur is special due to its color and smell. People nowadays keep on experimenting and exploring; others add coffee and other ingredients in liqueur to create extra ordinary cocktails. You have to remember that you also need to be careful of drinking liqueur. Yes it has small content of alcohol but there is still a tendency that you will get drunk once you drink it too much. The smooth and good taste of it can tempt you to drink it well. I am not saying that liqueur is not good, but we need to set limitations on consuming it.

Do not abuse things and do not abuse your body. Liqueur is a useful thing if we will use it right. It was created to be part of ingredients and help to preserve food. Liqueur also symbolizes as a formal drink in corporate events.

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