Simple yet it can make an elegant look to your table setting. Fancy but can definitely give a lovely aura to your set-up. Table napkin when placed in a special manner will give a new look to a simple table set-up. Sometimes and more often than not, table napkin is just being neglected by people. But for me, table napkin especially when folded artistically encourages me to eat in a particular dining. A table napkin adds more beauty and element in a Catering Service table set-up.
This is the reason why table napkin is an important element in a catering service.
Table Napkin: as part of your table
During my catering class way back high school, we were taught how to set-up a table for catering. One particular topic that we discussed was napkin folding. As a student, my favorite folds were the candle and bird of paradise folds because I find them simple and elegant at the same time.
As part of catering services, I believe that napkin folding is one of the most important things that a caterer should learn. And if you want to learn how to give more flavors to your table, follow these simple steps below.
In making a candle-folding napkin, here are the simple steps.
Fold the napkin in half diagonally forming a triangle. This will serve as a starting point for you.
Then fold the base edge of the napkin by about 1-inch forming a cuff.
Turn the napkin over carefully and roll it left to right to make a cylinder-like shape.
Then tuck the remaining corner inside the cuff to hold the napkin firm. This will help you in maintaining the elongated shape of the napkin when you hold it.
For the swan napkin folding, follow these steps.
Fold the napkin in half to form a rectangular shape then fold in quarters.
After this, fold the napkin in half diagonally creating a triangle.
Move the napkin and orient it so that the open tip is facing away from you.
Then, form a diamond shape out of the napkin by folding the right and the left corner diagonally towards you. Do this one-by-one. Press this to make a more presentable fold.
Fold the excess part of the diamond inside to create a triangle shape napkin again. Iron this again to attain a more good-looking fold.
Then, fold the triangle in half by bringing the center seam towards you and allowing the ends to fall.
To create a feather for your bird, pull up the flaps. Make sure that you are holding the base firmly to avoid destroying the fold.
These are the steps in making candle and bird of paradise napkin fold.
Art for your mind and heart
There are no special skills needed in order to make a good napkin fold, all you need is love for the work, appreciation of its product and an artistic mind and heart. Things that are simple but often neglected by people. Napkin folding is an art, an art that everyone should appreciate. So the next time you prepare your table, be it for lunch, dinner or just a simple eating delight, do not forget to include table napkin in your set-up.

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