You might want to check this Event Venue in Intramuros Manila it is surrounded by known colonial churches such as The Manila Cathedral Church San Agustin Church Lourdes Church and others.
It is perfect for Wedding Receptions and Debut Party. It s an indoor event venue located at the 2nd floor Fully Air-conditioned and high ceilings good for setting up drapes and swags for a nice looking eye dropping venue decors
You can phone us if you want to let us help you book your event at Casa Blanca Intramuros Manila
ask lo lang po kung available pa po yung oct.15,2016?
good evening.,ask lang po kung available pa po yung oct .15 2016?
Hello Sesando, kindly contact casa blanca @ 02.527.40.88 or 02.527.40.84. Thank you.
Yes po available pa po ang Oct 15,2016, Thanks