The initial preparation to be done when you are about to provide a food and beverage Catering Services is selecting and setting out the glassware, crockery, cutlery and the table settings. Since glassware is part of the setting where the alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are going to be served to complement the meal then the right choices and right shaped are considered.
The shape will help to concentrate the aroma and scent of the beverage, especially, the wine. The glassware should be washed separately from others, is possible, you must use a dishwasher designed for them so no detergent will remain or become its residue. The residue technically will affect the taste of the beverages and after washing the glassware, we must check it more for cleanliness. Polishing it with clean cloth will make it more alluring.
Furthermore, cutlery and crockery must be thoroughly cleaned before it can be used by the guests and clients. There are different cutleries such as the following:(a) cake/pastry fork, (b) cheese knife, (c) butter knife, (d) coffee spoon, (e) tea spoon, (f) soup spoon, (g) dessert spoon, (h) cocktail fork, (i) fish fork, (j) fish knife, (k) entrΓ©e/dessert fork, (l) entrΓ©e knife, (m) side knife, (n) main fork, and (o) main knife.
While crockery is composed of ramekin, salt and pepper, sauce boat, breakfast bowl, soup bowl, soup cup, salad bowl, platter, demi-tasse, tea and coffee, cappuchino, side, dessert, entrΓ©e and main crockery. It is very important to handle them very carefully to avoid contamination and transmitting food borne bacteria/virus directly to the mouth. For hygienic purposes, it is usually dipped in a very hot water for sanitation.
Selecting which kind of linen is appropriate for the service and the theme of the event will make the ambiance of the place soothe the mood of the clients. Before it is placed on the table, we should consider its cleanliness, flatness, free of stains and not damaged. Linen is composed of tablecloths (made from polyester cotton fabric) or napkins (used to wipe their mouths) and it has different sizes and shapes to suit the table being set.
Napkins can be folded accordingly, such as rose, cone fold, bistro fold, triple wave fold and the pyramid fold. Placemats are also designed and used for the purpose of complimenting the theme and ambiance of the place. This is also used for maintaining the cleanliness of the table cloth and table itself.
So these are the basic preparation that anyone who are interested in food service to remember to be professionally accountable in the food service industry.