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Sea food Clams Recipe

As people would love go swimming in different beaches in the world, they would also enjoy catching fishes and clams near the shore. They are usually found in rocks and we can make a lot of recipe to eat these iron-rich clams. Philippines offers wide variety of clams around each costs and local residents are good in catching clams and even teach tourists how to catch them.

But then, as we plan to cook for dinner seafood is not considered, kids would love chicken, pork or beef. But during this summer season, since it is appealing to go to different beaches, why not take this opportunity to teach kids to eat seafood. Once we went to a rural place with virgin beach with a lot of rocks with different classification of clams found near the shore.

The kids enjoyed the view of the coast since there are a lot of jelly fishes, colorful fish and even crabs. But they enjoyed the most is catching of clams and later that night it became our dinner. It was delicious and very tasty because of its freshness and cleanliness of the beaches where they lived.

The ingredients we used are the following:

  • Oil
  • Ginger, garlic and onion.
  • We also used fish sauce, pinch of salt and pepper.
  • Add some malungay leaves and bell pepper.
  • Red chili  and herbs
  • Kinchay and spring onion.
  • Water and chicken or pork broth.


  1. Saute onion, garlic and ginger in 2 tablespoon oil.
  2. Add the kinchay and spring onion
  3. Add the bell pepper and other vegetables if prefer.
  4. Add the clams
  5. Add water, let it boil for 5 minutes
  6. Add fish sauce and broth
  7. Then the malungay leaves
  8. Salt and pepper to taste
  9. Sprinkle Red chili and herbs
  10. Let it boil for 2 minutes
  11. Then serve.

You can still add other vegetables such as squash, kangkong and other green leafy vegetables. Add some pork minced and/or chicken.

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