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The Easy to Prepare Macaroni Salad


In every catering services event, different kinds of salad are regularly included in the menu. Usually, salads were serves as an appetizer. The Macaroni salad is one of the most popular salad in the Philippines.

Good thing about Macaroni salad is that you can serve it both hot and cold. Aside from that, Macaroni salad is one of the most affordable and easy to prepare because it does not require too much ingredients

Basically, the ingredients of macaroni salad are elbow macaroni pasta, mayonnaise, celery, onion and hard boiled eggs. Others also use shredded chicken or ham as part of the ingredients. Here in our country

Filipinos use pineapple chunks and cheese as additional ingredients of Macaroni salad to become more tasteful. Because Macaroni salad is easy to prepare and not complicated dish it is a common food for picnic and in catering services.

Many people also prefer to have this salad as a snack. In Hawaii they call Macaroni salad as β€œMac sal”, Hawaiians prefer to serve this as part of their lunch meals. According to some studies, the Macaroni salad recipe was first published in 1962. In this recipe, the readers were instructed to cook the elbow macaroni pasta like how the traditional potato salad was cooked.

In other version of macaroni salad, they used corned tuna as a main ingredients instead the boiled egg or shredded chicken. Some people are resourceful in making macaroni salad; they used the leftover food that can be possibly used to make one.

In preparing macaroni salad, you can be creative as long as you want. But remember that the most important ingredients for macaroni salad are the elbow macaroni pasta and the mayonnaise. These are the two important ingredients of this salad because without these two, it can’t be called as Macaroni salad.

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