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What you can get from Joy and Laughter


Henri Bergson stated that “Laughter is the corrective force which prevents us becoming cranks.” Sometimes through laughter we temporarily forget our worries and problems. Laughter makes life seems so easy. Personally, I like people who make me laugh because I find them cool. Aside from that, they also have a positive outlook in life. I’ve noticed that most people who have sense of humor become successful in their chosen field and the best example for that are comedians. Below are the five benefits of laughter.

1. Joy and Laughter gives you enough courage to go on. – When you learn to laugh despite all the trials, it will give you a hope for unknown future. In our Life Group in church, we study before about joy and laughter. Joy is healthy and attractive. Instead of being sad, choose to be happy.

2. Joy and Laughter can ease the pain. – It is true that pain is inevitable but we should do something to stop the feeling. Other people get depressed because of pain that leads them to commit suicide. If you feel that you’re already in pain, it is advisable to mingle with funny people and let yourself become happy instead of mourning.

3. Joy and Laughter regains energy. -When you laugh, the tendency is to increase your energy. Happy people can accomplish more because they are energetic. Most of the time happy people are focused in what they are doing.

4. Joy and Laughter can reduce stress. – According to some studies laugh can makes you feel good. When you are sad, laugh makes you feel better. You don’t feel anxious when you laugh.

5. Joy and Laughter unites people. – A positive and a good bond were created when you laugh with one another. Laughter prevents disagreements and debates. When other people saw that you are filled with joy, you become more attractive. Happy people gain a lot of friends.

It is an old adage but it’s true that “laughter is the best medicine.” From now on, choose to be happy because you deserve to Laugh and smile.

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